o I really need a watch winder? For the WOLF team, the answer is simple: You don’t need a watch winder, you need a WOLF. That’s the message from this five generation family-owned brand’s new global campaign, launched last August.
For over 185 years, WOLF has been crafting the spaces where legacies live. Through their products, WOLF pieces leave their own mark, beyond the category designed to protect their customers most priceless possessions. Since 1834, WOLF has been a symbol of decades of innovation and the pursuit of the perfect design. The brands products range from watch and jewellery care to high security safes.
With this campaign, WOLF is out to show just why they are the only choice for precision watch care. Only its winders count turns per day to ensure a watch is wound to perfection – a patented technology. Moreover, the watch returns back to the exact position they chose to start winding when the cycle is complete. WOLF’s lock-in dynamic cuff simply adapts to fit any wrist size. These innovative features explain why WOLF is the market leader of today and the future.